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This listing number is not available. This is either because the property was sold, withdrawn, or expired. If the property is 'under contract' there is a slight possibility it may be available again in the future. Contact us if you would like to know the current status.

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All measurements and all calculations of area (i.e., Sq Ft and Acreage) are approximate. Broker has represented to MetroList that Broker has a valid listing signed by seller authorizing placement in the MLS. Above information is provided by Seller and/or other sources and has not been verified by Broker. Copyright 2024 MetroList Services, Inc.

Listings marked with V* indicate the seller is willing to entertain offers within a Listing Price range. For example, a Price of $140,000-$170,000 indicates the seller will entertain offers from $140,000 to $170,000.

Listing information last updated on June 30, 2024, 11:17 pm PDT

8900671 8891207 8891214 8891970 8892008 8892048 8894701 8891987 8896484 8892040 8895059 8895061 8892076 8894686 8892273 8892006 8891131