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It never ceases to amaze us here at PHA Realty how bad some of the photos are that we come across in the MLS while searching for our clients. Sometimes it’s completely mind boggling. Yes, the photos don’t sell the home but bad photos will prevent potential customers from coming to see the home. And guess what that means, it means the there may be less people interested in buying the home. The lower the demand, the lower the value. It’s that simple.
This Is Serious Business
It’s not as if we’re trying to sell $2 toasters on Craigslist. Who cares what the photo of a $2 toaster looks like, someone’s going to buy that toaster because it’s $2 and they need a toaster. Every time we sell a home we’re selling a one-of-a-kind product that’s worth hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions of dollars.
When selling a home the photos should do everything to clearly communicate the best features of the home and portray it in a honest and comprehensive manner. That doesn’t always require a professional photographer but it does require some skill or at least common sense.
With that, we are proud to present Bad MLS Photo Friday. We’ll be posting our favorite of the worst photos we’ve come across on the MLS.
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